The Official Website for the Left Coast KLR Society and the Julian Tech Day Next Tech Day June 13, 2009 Back in San Diego: 2222 Commercial St, 92113 Note new date! We hope you will find this site useful, and entertaining. You can find news about the world famous Julian KLR tech days, and a few tidbits of info about the KLR650 that we have found beneficial. There's a lot of useful info on the KLR650 out here on the internet. We're going to tell you what works for us, and how we did it. We're not going to tell you what to do. Anything printed here has actually been done - for instance, we won't offer any advice or opinions on products that we haven't worked on, or had personal experience with. Some things are subjective; what works for us may not work for you, and vice versa. So, we would encourage you to read all the info you can, and make up your own mind! If you have questions, or need clarification, you are welcome to call, or email. The best way to get answers and experience is to show up at one of the Tech Days. If you do not sign your real name, you won't get a response. We want to keep this on a positive note - and appreciate your help! Remember, all roads lead to Julian...........(and ya gotta have a sense of humor, pilgrim) This site will be under construction for a while.......
Our Motto: "Bikers helping bikers........."Next tech day is Saturday June, 20092222 Commercial St, 92113See you there!*Important note! Any balancer parts purchased from studebaker, mashonline, or klr650.com after late May of 2008 are not genuine Eagle parts. Genuine Eagle levers/doohickies are H900 condition, and much stronger than the H1150 condition currently advertised by KLR650.com. The torsion spring that hooks into the adjustment slot is a 100 percent Eagle design. I suggest you always insist on genuine Eagle parts. I'm glad to support Eagle parts. If your parts are not genuine Eagle please get your support from the people that made them. All the best!
Contact InformationEmail addresses: Mark Bakarich MarkB@leftcoastklrs.com Buddy Seifert BuddyS@leftcoastklrs.com Mike Cowlishaw mike@leftcoastklrs.com
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